Thursday, March 31, 2011

Governments Should Limit Information on Internet

Governments should put limitations on the type of information available on the internet in order to prevent violence, reduce illegal downloads and protect personal information.

The first reason why information over the internet should be limited by governments is to prevent violence. Over the internet exists many Web Pages that support violence.

Today online people over the internet can download or upload any kind of information like videos, songs or documents that has violence in their content. Also, media with violence can influence people to provoke violent acts. For example, boys and girls that watch on internet the high rated program called “The Simpsons”, have a lot of possibilities of being influenced by violence.

Another reason why governments should limit the information over the internet is to reduce illegal downloads. Today, many people use internet to download illegal music, movies or information. In addition over the internet exist many Web Pages where you can download illegal movies, music, or information. For instance, many people or companies lose a lot of money due to illegal downloads of music, movies, or information.

Finally, the most important reason why governments should limit the information over the internet is to protect personal information. First, social networks such as Facebook, Hi5, or MySpace store personal information about each user, people can easily still personal information of other users and use it with their own benefits. For example, in Mexico people have been kidnapped due to their profile web page on Facebook.

However, there are many people that believe that internet must remain free with no limitations. They think that internet is something to express how people think and to show the true of the world. They just believe that internet show them the true of what is happening in the world. People are tired of
being deceived by the big news companies, and they want more information no matter what, even if the information has violence, illegal, or personal information in their content.

In conclusion, there are three main reasons why governments should put limitations on the type of information available on internet, in order to maintain internet as a safe place and prevent violence, reduce illegal downloads, and protect personal information.

Fernando Tamez

Monterrey, Mexico and Overcrowded City

Since the twenty century, Monterrey, Mexico has become a pretty big city and now it is cataloged as an overcrowded city. Overpopulation is unacceptable in society, and has many negative issues, including traffic, a lack of good jobs, and pollution.

The first reason that shows the negative aspects of an overcrowded city like Monterrey has to do with traffic. Many people are delayed in their way to work. Also, they have to wake up many hours early of their entrance in school, job or wherever they need to go. In essence, between their houses and work, people need to travel more than one hour because of the suffocating traffic. In addition, traffic accident rates are increasing every day.

The second reason that shows the negative aspects of an overcrowded city like Monterrey is that there exists too many people applying for the same jobs, and that causes a lack of good jobs in this huge city. Furthermore, many companies start, and that provoke a lot competence between them and for succeeding the owners of the companies need to fire people that has fair and good incomes. For example, if an industrial company has three chemical engineers, the owners must fire one or two in order to succeed in a crisis. 

The third and most important reason showing the negative aspects of overcrowded cities like Monterrey is pollution. Pollution has become a normal topic in society. Pollution is caused because people create wastes, and a big percent of the wastes are pollution. Similarly, citizens also tend to throw trash in the streets, not in the trashcan. Moreover, people use cars, and cars, contaminate the oxygen in air creating pollution.

Concluding, there exists three main important negative aspects of overcrowded cities, such as traffic, lack of good jobs, and pollution. It is really important for people to start considering these effects in society because if they don’t, they will suffer the consequences of an overcrowded city.
Fernando Tamez

Separating Men’s of Woman’s The Beginning of a New Male Chauvinist, Inequality and Racist Era?

Warning! Warning! Laws should not halt to mix individuals in colleges; it is a matter of fact that separating male’s and women’s during each individual education process, will provoke chauvinist in males, inequality between both sexes and racism.
The first and most important reason why laws should not halt in mixing individuals in colleges is to prevent male chauvinist. Many countries have years fighting against male chauvinist and separating males of women’s provoke it. Male chauvinist is bad for society because it provokes woman’s to feel inferior to males. 
Another reason has to do with inequality. Inequality is something that women have been looking forward for hundreds of years, and they are gaining it every day. Separating genders will just banish all the years of suffering from woman’s to bring equality between genders.
Finally, racism is not well accepted in governments and making a separation of genders will be a certain prove that racism between genders exists. Some years in the past, show people that racism is bad for life. Racism is now eradicated, and not welcome in this new “Anti-Racism” era, and we must not accept any type of racism.
However, it will be a hard task for people in favor to accept it, but this is the healthy and best decision that governments and people can make.

Concluding, governments, men’s and women’s must act and not halt the mixing of individuals in colleges, because it is healthy for people to be with different genders in their daily life.

Fernando Tamez

Banning Cigarette Smoking, a New Health Era

People should ban cigarette smoking the same way heroine consumption is, so that they prevent health problems linked to tobacco in order to avoid lung cancer and improve quality of life. There are three principal reasons why people should protest and ban cigarettes: To save lives, to save money and to improve quality of life.  

The first and most important reason why people should ban cigarettes is to save lives. Saving lives has always been a duty of high priority in governments around the world. As a matter of fact, people and governments know that cigarettes are harmful and drive people to have health problems such as lung cancer or death, and governments still do nothing.

Another reason has to do with saving money, smokers are wasting money in cigarettes, each package of cigarettes cost around five dollars in USA. Smokers waste around twenty dollars each month in cigarettes, they waste money in something they are not supposed to and is bad for their health.

 Finally, banning cigarette smoking the same way heroine consumption is, will improve people quality of life, and will benefit world health in many aspects, people must stand up and demand to the governments to do their duties and take care of each of their citizen’s health.  

However, it will be a hard task for governments to improve changes because many people are addicts, and they will not be silence, addicts will complain and protest, in another point of view also maybe can surge a new mafia that traffic tobacco, but is a risk that they must take to save people and improve quality of life.

Concluding, there are various reasons why governments must ban cigarettes smoking as heroine consumption is, so that world habitants save their lives, their money and improve their quality of life.

Fernando Tamez