Thursday, March 31, 2011

Separating Men’s of Woman’s The Beginning of a New Male Chauvinist, Inequality and Racist Era?

Warning! Warning! Laws should not halt to mix individuals in colleges; it is a matter of fact that separating male’s and women’s during each individual education process, will provoke chauvinist in males, inequality between both sexes and racism.
The first and most important reason why laws should not halt in mixing individuals in colleges is to prevent male chauvinist. Many countries have years fighting against male chauvinist and separating males of women’s provoke it. Male chauvinist is bad for society because it provokes woman’s to feel inferior to males. 
Another reason has to do with inequality. Inequality is something that women have been looking forward for hundreds of years, and they are gaining it every day. Separating genders will just banish all the years of suffering from woman’s to bring equality between genders.
Finally, racism is not well accepted in governments and making a separation of genders will be a certain prove that racism between genders exists. Some years in the past, show people that racism is bad for life. Racism is now eradicated, and not welcome in this new “Anti-Racism” era, and we must not accept any type of racism.
However, it will be a hard task for people in favor to accept it, but this is the healthy and best decision that governments and people can make.

Concluding, governments, men’s and women’s must act and not halt the mixing of individuals in colleges, because it is healthy for people to be with different genders in their daily life.

Fernando Tamez

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